“The most important thing teachers can encourage in young people is to develop ‘inquiring minds’ - to ensure that they know how to gather information, that they check that information and take it from a multiplicity of sources.”
Is comórtas é MindRising 2016 ag céiliúradh 200 blian ar oileán na hÉirinn. Molann Mindrising teicneolaíocht digiteach do scoileanna agus grúpaí. Is faoinár scéalta stairiúla agus ár dtodhchaí a insint; atá MindRising gafa.
Beidh na foirne páirteach ag baint leas as a scileanna scéalaíochta, thar réimse leathan meáin ag tógáil a chuid tionscnamh i Minecraft. Moltar dóibh cuimhní ar an 100 bliain chaite agus an chéad 100 bhliain romhainn a shamhlú.
Ach ar dtús féach ar an físeán seo
Tá 2 rannóg i MindRising
Féach ar critéir cháilitheachta
“As an educator, I value the opportunities presented by MindRising 2016 for children and young people to mark the 1916 centenary in ways that promote their historical understanding, help them to connect the past and the present and support them in imagining the future. Whether they are drawing on the evidence to reconstruct past events and localities, investigating change over time or building on the present to imagine possible futures, MindRising offers rich opportunities for child-led and enquiry-based learning and, most importantly, gives voice to that learning though digital storytelling. ”
If you answer yes to any of the following questions then participating in MindRising is for you.
(na ndaoine Óg)
We've designed MindRising to allow you to get involved based on your capacity.
"I can only spare a couple of hours"
"I can only spend a day or two on this"
"I want to enter the competition"
REMEMBER: MindRising is meant to be a fun learning experience!
MindRising projects are focussed on celebrating 200 years of the Island Ireland 1916-2016-2116. The competition has 3 story paths: 1) the past 2) the journey from past to future and 3) the future. A project can consist of a variety of elements video, audio, minecraft animation.
Over 8 weeks teams will employ digital storytelling techniques to to tell stories about our past, our future and the journey from past to future. MindRising will be providing mission packs, teaching plans, examples, tutorials and other guides to help you over the 8 weeks.